Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A new state?

It looks like the United Nations is going to declare a new state. You may ask yourselves "Where?" and you would be right in asking that. They are going to declare a new state on a land that does not belong to them nor has it ever belonged to them. It is like me declaring a room in your house as my home. Did I buy that room? No. But for the United Nations, that does not matter. This state is supposedly called Palestine.

Now what is this invented people? What are the characteristics of the invented people? Do they have their own language? Do they have art? Do they have authors? Do they have culture? Do they have history? Have they ever had a land? Well the answer is simple to all of those questions - a resounding No.

Let us look at the name they have supposedly taken for themselves, Palestine. Forget the fact that there is no P in Arabic so that in their eyes it is Falestine, let us simply look at the name. The word itself derives from the Hebrew word Peleshet, usually translated as Philistia in English. The word referred to the Philistine's invasion of Israel from the sea. The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites nor did they speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. They were simply the enemies of the Israelites. When the Romans invaded the area of Judah, which some of you now call, a part of the West Bank, they renamed the area Palaestina as an affront to the Jews living there. The word and name Palestine refers to Israel and it always has. The area of Judea was renamed Palaestina in an attempt to minimize Jewish identification with the land of Israel. Wait a minute, that is exactly what the Arabs, UNESCO and the UN have been trying to do for forty years.

The use of the term "Palestinian" for an Arab ethnic group is a modern political creation which has no basis in fact - and had never had any international or academic credibility before 1967.

The Arab Lie
The Arab Lie
So where dis the present day invented nation come from? Well according to Hamas, they came from Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria. This is quite accurate as most came during the First World War to better their lives. Many of the homes they live in were taken from Jews after they massacred entire families. The so-called Arab-city of Hebron was not an Arab city until the massacre of 1929.

When the British invaded Israel in 1917 and were given the area to mandate in the San Remo conference, they issued stamps called pictorials. To stop any conflict with the Arab migrants, they wanted to issue stamps depicting items holy to all religions. Of course they battled to find remnants of Arab history apart from the Dome of the Rock and a mosque in Tiberias, but that is not the issue. The issue is that Rachel's Tomb, a tomb that was in Jewish hands for thousands of years, yes thousands, was designated as Jewish. 80 years later, UNESCO designated it as a mosque. How? The continued destruction of Judaism by the UN. The world could not wipe out the Jews in 2000 years of anti-Antisemitism, nor a Holocaust, but they are trying to wipe out Judaism instead.

Will this invented nation be granted its desires? Abba Eban once said, "If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions."

Before I go, have you ever thought why the Kurds do not have a state of their own yet? Are they not far more deserving?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The poor Gaza citizens

My heart goes out for the poor people of Gaza. By popular vote, they decided to vote in Hamas, a radical Islamic movement of Sunni Muslims. If you are an Arab Christian or a Shiite, your life is in danger, because like the Koranic view of Jews, they consider you descendants of apes and pigs. Such brainwashing. No wonder Hamas has no respect for human life. You are there only to serve as a human shield. Just so you know, because I am Jewish and Israeli, I consider your life before my own. I will not shoot at the terrorist you are shielding simply because I may hit you. What an idiot I am!
Courtesy Michael Savage
In 2005, Israel withdraw every Jew from Gaza to give you the possibility to live the life you claim that you deserve. We expected you to do something good. Make something of yourselves. Grow up. We gave you Israeli land to do so. Not Arab land, Israeli land. So, you decided to vote in Hamas which means "Islamic Resistance Movement". Your choice, not ours. Oh, by the way, resistance against whom? Shiites? Christians? I have no idea who else? Oh sorry, they have sworn to destroy Israel. So what did Israel have to do? Close her border with Hamastan! Is their an open border between Greece and Turkey? Pakistan and India? Of course not. Why should they let people in who swore to kill them.

Apparently President Barack Obama believes that nobody suffers more than the Palestinian people. Mr Obama, first the Palestinians are not a people. They have no basis for that definition. But what about the thousands of Syrians being killed? Zimbabweans? Sudanese? What about Israelis who suffer because the world turned a blind eye?

But Israel has a heart and what does she do? She gives the Gaza people free water, electricity, food and medical supplies! Is it really free? No, I pay for it. I pay over 35% income tax and anything I want to purchase I pay a further 17% and then I have to pay a medical tax of 4.9% meaning that before I do anything I have already lost nearly 60% of my salary so that I can give you the freedom to buy rockets to kill me. I am an idiot, I agree. While you are firing missiles at me, I am providing you with electricity, food and medical supplies which I am paying for? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Maybe I should switch off the electricity to Gaza? I send my food to you and I can barely afford basic food myself.

But what do you do? You cry to the world that you are suffering, that there is a blockade. Forget the fact that you have a border with Egypt, but every time that is opened, you destroy it. Forget the fact that your leaders in Iran try to arm you with new weapons, even by the sea. But you continue to complain. So misguided intellectually challenged people send invasion flotillas to you, to bring so-called humanitarian aid. What aid do you need? I wish I had malls like you have. I wish had my own home. I cannot afford one because I give my salary to you.

Who is threatening whom?
Who is threatening whom?

Golda Meir once said "What bothers me most is not that Arabs kill our children, but that they force us to kill theirs." Why is the world always silent when Jews are being attacked? Oh yeah, I forgot. Hypocrisy! Who said the Holocaust could not happen again!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Operation Pillar of Defense

So Israel launched an operation called "Pillar of Defense" and the world is against us, once again! Is that surprising? Not if you are Jewish and definitely not if you are Israeli.

Let us look for a moment at some facts. Israel pulled out of the Gaza Strip in 2005. There is not a single Israeli in Gaza. This was called the Disengagement. Forget for a moment that the Gaza Strip was always a part of Israel and when Egypt invaded Israel in 1948, they occupied Gaza. The 1949 ceasefire agreement set up a demarcation line which was agreed by all that it was not the international border. It was controlled by Egypt as occupied land. Of course, occupied Israeli land, under international law! Forget that Israel, for the sake of peace, decided to give that area to the Arabs that call themselves "Palestinians", to create a state. The first thing that the new state did, was to elect a radical Islamic government to govern the area. That was the first incident of the Arab Spring which has now invaded Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Egypt. The new sheriff in town is an off-shoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

So what does the Hamas government do? They attack Israel. Why? Because they can! They rain thousands of missiles on Israeli homes.
Their own lack of caring of human life is well-documented, even by their own imams. Every time they send a missile into Israeli territory, they make use of human shields. Simply a question of a difference in the value of human life. An Israeli soldier endangers himself because he is first and foremost human. Can the same be said for Hamas so-called soldiers? Where are the Human Rights organizations? OK, they will get involved against Israel because they are taken in by the excellent Arab propaganda machine. They simply do not have the brains to think for themselves.

The Arab propaganda machine works very well and often, so-called deaths are staged. Mohammed al-Durra from the year 2000 is a typical example. On the right you can see a typical example of how even the BBC joins in with the Arab propaganda machine. As Goebbels once said, "if you tell a lie often enough, people will believe it is the truth." That is what is happening.

Operation Pillar of Defense 

Let us look at the current operation. During 2012, almost a thousand missiles were launched at the Israeli south, terrorizing the innocent people who tried to go about their daily life. Did Israel react? What happened when a single Syrian mortar was shot at Turkey? The Turkish air-force immediately attacked! Hypocritical? Were they condemned? No! Why? If you have a brain, you already know.

Israel turned round and said "enough is enough, it is time to hit back" and so Israel hit back. But what happens when you fight back against the neighborhood bully (which can be Hamas, Hizbollah, Muslim Brotherhood etc)? They start accusing you of attacking them. So all of a sudden, Israel is accused of being the agressor. Come on, people must have more brains than that. Well, judging by some of what I read on Facebook, people do not have the brains to see what is going on. Propaganda is a great thing, isn't it? I wonder who is the Minister of Propaganda for the Arabs. Israel should employ him or her whatever the cost.

What would you do?

As Golda Meir once said, "Peace will come when the Arabs will love their children more than they hate us." I hope that I will live to see that stage.