Thursday, November 28, 2019

Should Israel reoccupy Gaza?

Should Israel reoccupy Gaza?

Once again Quora collapsed my answer for something they call "Be Nice, be Respectful. Here is my original answer

Well, until 1890 there were no Arabs in Gaza and there was quiet. Arabs came from Saudi Arabia and Egypt (according to Hamas) and forced out the Jews there. But there was quiet.

When the League of Nations redefined the Middle East, Gaza was supposed to be a part of the Jewish State. Still quiet.

Israeli Statehood was declared in the area legally and historically designated for the Israel and Gaza was included. Egypt invaded Israel through Gaza and controlled it as occupied land. The 1949 ceasefire agreement claimed that this was not a border but a ceasefire line. The Egyptians knew it was Israel land that they were occupying. However Israel accepted this occupation. Was their quiet? No!! Aided by the Egyptians the Arabs launched multiple terror attacks and created Fatah which launched multiple attacks from the area.

Along comes the 1956 war and Israel occupies the Gaza Strip. For 8 months there is quiet.

Under pressure form the UN, Israel retreats and a UN contingent is placed there. Once again there are attacks from Gaza and the Arab belligerency increases until 1967 when Nasser even said that they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth. He then orders the UN to remove their troops from Gaza and Sinai.

After 1967 Gaza was returned to Israel and there is quiet.

2005 Israel leaves Gaza and returns to the 1949 cease fire line removing every Israeli!!! What happens? Terror, terror and more terror!!! Tens of Thousands of missile attacks on Israel with no provocation.

So, when Israel is in control, there is quiet. When Israel is not in control, attacked with terror. If Israel returns Gaza to our control, we will have relative quiet. However why would we want to do that? The Arabs of Gaza selected an oppressive regime whose sole aim is to make the Gazans’ life a misery while getting rich on foreign money. The Hamas leaders are billionaires thanks to the EU.

Israel will be blamed for Gaza, no matter if we are in control there or not.

 ”You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts”

Edited: OK, as expected, I was moderated for Be Nice Be Respectful and as expected, it was rejected.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Jerusalem is the Capital of Palestine

Jerusalem is the Capital of Palestine

Now we have a case where we see true philatelic propaganda, again.

President Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital as it should have under international law. However President Trump went a step further and moved the American Embassy to Jerusalem, in accordance with American law, something that many former presidents said they would do, before their election but conveniently refused to execute while in office, for whatever reason.

The Arab league, probably as a result of the usual Palestinian threats, decided to retaliate. At a press conference held on Monday 24th December 2018 in Cairo, to present the activities of actions of the Arab League, they announced the issuance of a joint omnibus stamp issue called "Jerusalem the capital of Palestine" for 2019.  The Assistant Secretary-General of the Arab League, Hossam Zaki, said:

A joint Arab stamp theme will be issued in 2019 bearing the slogan (Jerusalem, the capital of Palestine), the coordination and technical preparation is currently underway 

The stamp was designed in Algeria and has already been issued by Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Algeria and Tunisia.

The stamp design depicts the Dome of the Rock, Omar Mosque, the adopted flag of the "Palestinians"  (although the flag has nothing whatsoever to do with the Holy Land) and two doves holding the flag. Nowhere does it mention East Jerusalem.

Forget the 3000 years of proven, documented Jewish history. Forget the fact that for hundreds of years, Jerusalem was a predominantly Jewish city, that is immaterial when it comes to Arab Propaganda.

Now, let me ask you. At what point in history was Jerusalem an Arab city? What gives the Palestinians a right to demand Jerusalem as their capital?

The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it~George Orwell
Look at this issue by the Palestinian Authority in 2017:

May I ask you where you see Israel here?

The Arabs keep trying to change facts through propaganda. Here is another similar post: Jerusalem is eternal capital of Palestine. Unfortunately there are people who believe their nonsense.

This is what I have to say to people:

 “Evil prevails when good men do nothing” 

 ”A lie told often enough becomes the truth” 

 ”You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts”

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Quora: Israelis, as former refugees, do you feel sympathy for Palestinian refugees?

Israelis: As former refugees, do you feel sympathy for Palestinian refugees?

This question was asked on Quora recently and as per usual I was moderated for their fake "Be Nice, Be respectful" policy. Here is my answer, you be the judge:

There are no Palestinian refugees. Not a single one, so how can you feel sorry for them? There are Arab refugees who left the Palestine Mandate upto 1948, but they never considered themselves Palestinians as that was an insult. Apart from which Palestine was not a name of a country. Whenever people referred to Palestinians, they were referring to the Jews.

There were 472,000 Arab refugees from what was Palestine Mandate, but 850,000 Jews expelled from Arab lands. Where are your tears for them? They are real refugees and not people who were told to leave by their own people, hoping for a quick victory.

Today there are only 15000 of the original Arab refugees left. Why would they want to come to a place that they have not lived in for over 72 years? When Israel stretched out its hand to them in 1948, why did they not return? At least they had an option, the Jews expelled from Arab lands with nothing but their clothes did not have an option. Where are your tears for them? Everybody knows why you are not be crying Jews who were expelled.

Now look at the absurdity of your question, we were invaded on all sides by Arab invaders and we won and you want us to feel sorry because we won? Do you know what the Nakba is? The Nakba is the biggest defeat of mighty Islamic armies by a Jewish army! That is because they did not manage to eradicate us from our land.

Just as a matter of note, for 4000 years Jews have been in this land. Jews are the original Palestinian refugee, but Jews have documented presence here. When any invader / occupier arrived they saw Jews here.

Edited: someone called me arrogant because of my statements. Sorry people but I know facts are irrelevant on Quora. It is not a question of agreeing or disagreeing with me as my facts are very well documented. They are not a narrative which keeps changing. I get moderated often for stating facts that people do not like because they have bought into the baseless narrative.

This is what I have to say to people:

 “Evil prevails when good men do nothing” 

 ”A lie told often enough becomes the truth” 

 ”you are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts”

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Quora: Do the Arab States care about Palestine today?

Do the Arab States care about Palestine today?

There is no such thing as Palestine and there are no such entity called Palestinians. It is a pure invention, the biggest fake news of the 20th century. Let me explain.

The Holy Land belongs to the Jews, historically, legally, morally and religiously, according to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Jews have documented CONTINUED existence here for over 3000 years.
When the Romans invaded the area, they fought the Jewish Kingdoms and occupied Judea. After the Second Judean Roman war, the Romans renamed the area Palistinae as an affront to another ancient enemy of the Jews, the Greek Philistines who had invaded the Gaza area but were defeated by us. No Philistines existed when the Romans invaded, so if anyone tells you that they are descendants of the Philistines, you know that they have no idea what they are talking about. Almost as if a neighbor comes to you and says they are descendants from travelers from Mars.

OK, so in all the maps, there is Judea and Samaria and Gaza and all are marked as Jewish areas. Jerusalem, Hebron, Safed and others are all Jewish cities with small Arab (christian and Muslim) minorities. We have occupations and occupations but there is no country named Palestine. We even have massacres such as the Arab massacres of all the Jews in Safed in 1839, although those who fled came back. And in Hebron in 1929 and some are still today proud of the way they massacred the Jews there, but not a single Palestinian.

In 1919, the League of nations divided up the middle east and created Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iraq and ratified this in treaties, Palestine was given to Britain as a mandate to create a Jewish Homeland and Syria was given to France.

Syria was then divided into Syria and Lebanon and the British created Jewish Palestine and Arab Palestine. Arab Palestine became Jordan and Jewish Palestine became Israel:

But there was no country named Palestine and if you tried to call an Arab as a Palestinian, you would be in big trouble. The reason was because Palestine was considered a colonial invention and Jews were considered Palestinians and the area that the Arabs lived in, in their opinion, it was Southern Syria.

In 1948, Israel is created and the Nakba occurs. The Nakba is the greatest military defeat in Islamic history by a Jewish army! This is despite what you have been told, but this is all proven in history books. (Read this) But no Palestine! No Palestinian people.

In 1967, Israel wins another war and the Arabs call it a Naksa, a setback, and they understand that they cannot destroy us on the battlefield. So, the PLO creates a Palestinian people with no history, but a narrative and they try to push this narrative through the world funded by Arab money, to convince people like you that they have rights, despite having none.

In 1964, they rescinded all claims to any area occupied by Jordan and Egypt (as clearly state in the PLO covenant) and in 1968, they are claiming it is their ancestral homeland!

They were created purely to destroy Israel’s claim to the area and to take Jewish history, a case of stolen identity. This is not me saying this, this is said by the people who created this identity.

In 1977, PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said:
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. … Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct ‘Palestinian people’ to oppose Zionism.”

They press their narrative, peacefully and violently to anyone they can and people soak it in.

This goes on and on and money is poured in and Arafat and others become billionaires. Today, the unelected leaders are all billionaires thanks to the UN, the EU and the Arab States. More than that, none of them are actually from the Holy Land, or what you call Palestine. Abbas has Iraqi heritage, his family lived there for thousands of years, Saeb Erekat is of Saudi Arabian heritage even Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib has no heritage, her family are Syrian and Jordanian. But Hamas said it the best:

Now the Arab States have seen that the Palestinians are not interested in a state of their own. They have seen what happens in countries which host these invented people. They tried to take control of Jordan (which is actually Arab Palestine), they tried to take over Lebanon (ousted by Israel) and they tried to take over Tunisia.They want to see the end of this invented conflict so that they can have better ties with Israel who is the only stabilizer in the region and the only one not controlled by Iran.

Oil is no longer the no. 1 priority in the world today as there are more and more alternatives, so to throw billions of dollars at the “Palestinians” who do not appreciate what is done for them, is no longer a priority and many feel that the money can be better used in-house.

You should read this article Puncturing the big lie of Palestinian Identity

So, yes, they have lost interest and frankly so should you!

Monday, May 20, 2019

What is Nakba Day

What is Nakba Day?

Every year on May 15, Palestinians and their supporters mark what they call Nakba Day or the "Catastrophe". They claim that it is the commemoration of the displacement of the Palestinians as a result of the creation of Israel. According to UN sources between 472000 and 700,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled as a result of the 1948 war. In their eyes the re-establishment of the ancient Jewish homeland was a Nakba, or Catastrophe as they call it, akin to the Holocaust. This has been drummed into Palestinian culture and the media that promotes it for years, some people even saying from 1948. But is this correct?

The fact of the matter is that there was no Nakba Day from 1948 to 1998 when it was inaugurated by Arafat. Since 1998 the Arabs have been commemorating Nakba Day on the 15th May. The absurdity of this date was this was barely four after signing the Oslo Accords which was to be the groundwork for peace. Sad but true.

But is this the real meaning of the Nakba or another propaganda attempt by the master of propaganda?

A Syrian professor, Constantine Zurayk who was vice-president of the American University of Beirut, in July 1948, used the phrase Nakba to describe the failure of the mighty Islamic armies to defeat a Jewish army. He said that it was the greatest military defeat in Islamic history. At this time the Nakba was not a catastrophe but disaster. He reiterated this in his book entitled, "The Meaning of the Disaster" which he published in 1955. Remember that in the eyes of Islam, their religion was created to replace Judaism.

However there was an even earlier use of the term Nakba. In a book entitled, "The Arab awakening: the story of the Arab national movement" written 1946 by George Antonius, he makes the claim that the ‘Year of the Catastrophe’ among Arabs referred to 1920, when European colonial powers partitioned the Ottoman Empire into a series of separate states along lines of their own choosing.

“The year 1920 has an evil name in Arab annals: it is referred to as the Year of the Catastrophe.... It saw the first armed risings that occurred in protest against the post-War settlement imposed by the Allies on the Arab countries. In that year, serious outbreaks took place in Syria, Palestine, and Iraq.”

So what is the Nakba Day? The division of the Middle East into countries such as Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria and Israel? Or the defeat of the mighty Islamic armies by a Jewish army? Or the creation of the Jewish State? Maybe it is just another reason to play victimhood?