Israelis: As former refugees, do you feel sympathy for Palestinian refugees?
This question was asked on Quora recently and as per usual I was moderated for their fake "Be Nice, Be respectful" policy. Here is my answer, you be the judge:
There are no Palestinian refugees. Not a single one, so how can you feel sorry for them? There are Arab refugees who left the Palestine Mandate upto 1948, but they never considered themselves Palestinians as that was an insult. Apart from which Palestine was not a name of a country. Whenever people referred to Palestinians, they were referring to the Jews.
There were 472,000 Arab refugees from what was Palestine Mandate, but 850,000 Jews expelled from Arab lands. Where are your tears for them? They are real refugees and not people who were told to leave by their own people, hoping for a quick victory.
Today there are only 15000 of the original Arab refugees left. Why would they want to come to a place that they have not lived in for over 72 years? When Israel stretched out its hand to them in 1948, why did they not return? At least they had an option, the Jews expelled from Arab lands with nothing but their clothes did not have an option. Where are your tears for them? Everybody knows why you are not be crying Jews who were expelled.
Now look at the absurdity of your question, we were invaded on all sides by Arab invaders and we won and you want us to feel sorry because we won? Do you know what the Nakba is? The Nakba is the biggest defeat of mighty Islamic armies by a Jewish army! That is because they did not manage to eradicate us from our land.
Just as a matter of note, for 4000 years Jews have been in this land. Jews are the original Palestinian refugee, but Jews have documented presence here. When any invader / occupier arrived they saw Jews here.
Edited: someone called me arrogant because of my statements. Sorry people but I know facts are irrelevant on Quora. It is not a question of agreeing or disagreeing with me as my facts are very well documented. They are not a narrative which keeps changing. I get moderated often for stating facts that people do not like because they have bought into the baseless narrative.
This is what I have to say to people:
“Evil prevails when good men do nothing”
”A lie told often enough becomes the truth”
”you are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts”