Should Israel reoccupy Gaza?
Once again Quora collapsed my answer for something they call "Be Nice, be Respectful. Here is my original answerWell, until 1890 there were no Arabs in Gaza and there was quiet. Arabs came from Saudi Arabia and Egypt (according to Hamas) and forced out the Jews there. But there was quiet.
When the League of Nations redefined the Middle East, Gaza was supposed to be a part of the Jewish State. Still quiet.
Israeli Statehood was declared in the area legally and historically designated for the Israel and Gaza was included. Egypt invaded Israel through Gaza and controlled it as occupied land. The 1949 ceasefire agreement claimed that this was not a border but a ceasefire line. The Egyptians knew it was Israel land that they were occupying. However Israel accepted this occupation. Was their quiet? No!! Aided by the Egyptians the Arabs launched multiple terror attacks and created Fatah which launched multiple attacks from the area.
Along comes the 1956 war and Israel occupies the Gaza Strip. For 8 months there is quiet.
Under pressure form the UN, Israel retreats and a UN contingent is placed there. Once again there are attacks from Gaza and the Arab belligerency increases until 1967 when Nasser even said that they will wipe Israel off the face of the earth. He then orders the UN to remove their troops from Gaza and Sinai.
After 1967 Gaza was returned to Israel and there is quiet.
2005 Israel leaves Gaza and returns to the 1949 cease fire line removing every Israeli!!! What happens? Terror, terror and more terror!!! Tens of Thousands of missile attacks on Israel with no provocation.
So, when Israel is in control, there is quiet. When Israel is not in control, attacked with terror. If Israel returns Gaza to our control, we will have relative quiet. However why would we want to do that? The Arabs of Gaza selected an oppressive regime whose sole aim is to make the Gazans’ life a misery while getting rich on foreign money. The Hamas leaders are billionaires thanks to the EU.
Israel will be blamed for Gaza, no matter if we are in control there or not.
”You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts”
Edited: OK, as expected, I was moderated for Be Nice Be Respectful and as expected, it was rejected.
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