Islamification of America
Whoever does not think that Islam has taken over America should read this blog. Forget the fact that President Obama refuses to recognize that Islam is behind the world terror in the past few years. The American government is riddled with Islamists and it is getting worse:John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia as I mentioned in a previous post. He even refers to Jerusalem as Al-Quds.
John Kerry's son-in-law is Iranian with family still in Iran. Tell me that did not influence the Iran nuclear deal.
Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her parents still live.
Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Hillary Clinton's new running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, has a history of embracing Islamists. He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; spoke at a dinner honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect; and received donations from well-known Islamist groups. He came under suspicion by the FBI more than once when the FBI was still allowed to investigate Islam.
Assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is a Muslim.
Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.
Obama adviser and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam al-Marayati, is a Muslim.
Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America is a Muslim.
Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a Muslim.
November 8, 2016, the day America fought back

So people said "what difference does a few emails make?" or "so she made a mistake" and if the FBI did not find anything incriminating, she must be innocent. OK, people, wake up. She tried to destroy the emails. She destroyed 13 smartphones with a hammer. Suspicious? Even more suspicious was that Loretta Lynch, the DOJ, was also Bill Clinton's lawyer against all those women who accused him. He and Lynch met together and the next day she decides not to indict his wife? How about a rumor that says that the wife of the head of FBI was given money by the Clinton Foundation? Do I know if these are true or not, NOPE. But there is too much. One thing for sure, she does not know what the truth is. She also said that you must have two views, one public and one private and carry out your private views. Hello, that is the Islamic method.
If it is true or not that during her time as Secretary of State, people paid the Clinton Foundation for a meeting with her, I do not really know. I just know that her advisors are also pro J-Street and that is as bad as there is. George Sorros seems hell bent on destroying America. So America fought back. They wanted change. Has HRC or Obama condemned the riots? Not at all. Obama fueled them while on a trip to Europe, paid for by the American people. Any idea why he went to Europe? A lame duck president?
Donald Trump was not a good candidate, but with 400 million people, he was the best that America had to offer. I wonder if he is going to #DrainTheSwamp and get rid of the Islamic hold of America and make America great again?
November 8, 2016, the American Spring
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